24 and TTC

I know some people may read this and think ‘wow! 24, you’re too young to TTC’. But, let me explain myself.

I had a troubled childhood, that led to me looking after myself and my younger brother. Growing up and even still now, I have always been so very protective of him and I have played my part of being that motherly figure for him. Because of past experience I have always been a very maternal person, and ever since I was a little girl, I couldn’t wait to start creating my own family.

I am with a man that I love very much. We have been together for roughly a year, but we’ve known each other much longer. We have recently moved into a house together. My brother has also recently had a child with his girlfriend.

I feel that I have so much maternal love to give but no one to give it too. I would love to get started on my family soon, and I would love to have my family with the man that I am with.

He has suggested the last couple months that he wouldn’t mind becoming a father and it’s actually something he is really looking forward to and that he thinks that I will be a fantastic mother. Therefore we have been having unprotected sex, but not actively ‘trying’ to have a baby. (If that makes sense)

Am I crazy?

Some of the only bad thoughts that are running through my mind, are stemmed from when I unintentionally got pregnant with my ex a few years ago and he forced me to get an abortion with an ultimatum. I know that the man I’m with would never do that but the fear of him leaving is always there.

Please share your thoughts with me on whether you think I’m right/wrong in what I am doing for a bit of reassurance/clarity.