Young parent help


I need some advice guys, so me and my boyfriend are going to have a baby. I am about 20 weeks pregnant and we still love with my mom. We have family over all the time and the house is always loud and there is some family who I dont want around my child all the time and my boyfriend feels the same way. We cant afford to move out right now because my boyfriend just got layed off randomly, so we are working off my paychecks until he finds a new job. We desperately want to move out. My mom has changed so much ever since we moved in march and im not sure what to do. Everyone is telljng me there going to come over all the time and I dont want that for my child. When The baby comes, we would like to have a peaceful house and not have everyone down our throats. The certain family tell me they are going to come over and spend all this time with my child and im not sure that I want that. But its not my house, so I cant tell them to leave. I really need help, I am beyond stressed about it and the baby is coming so fast. I also have a hard time saying no, its difficult for me to stand up for myself. I have a feeling when my baby comes I will change but im not sure. Please give me some advice!!