My 2 year old always seems to have diarrhea


Does anyone else’s toddler have chronic intermittent diarrhea? It’s like my daughter will be fine for a month or so, and then go on a 3 week long intermittent exploding rampage. One day she’ll have solid normal stools, and then the next day she’s exploding out of her diaper. Then she won’t have any diarrhea for a few weeks, and then she’ll randomly blow out a diaper. She never runs a fever.

I have made an appointment to ask her ped to test for allergies - I had her nearly dairy free for a few months, and it still happened. I have also had her stools tested for giardia.

Just wondering if anyone else is going through this? I am praying it’s not a dairy allergy, because she’s so picky, I feel like cheese has become 50% of her diet. She’s been cutting molars for a while, but any time I suggest maybe that is the cause, people jump all over me and tell me it’s not related.