Opinions: attention seeking females


Okay Ladies I need your opinions. My BF and I have been together for a few months and there has been one specific topic that has gotten under my skin from almost day one. Please tell me if I'm over reacting here!

So there are females on his FB and Snapchat that post and send "sexy" photos. Nothing extremely inappropriate just more than enough cleavage. Some of these go directly on to their feed or story but some get sent directly to him, he always says he is sure he isnt the only one that get these pics its done to several guys. A majority of the time he tells me about it or shows me, which in the beginning was nice, made feel like I could really trust him. But now it's just annoying and pisses me off esp if it's done during date night or our time. Along with showing me he has to tell me how "attention seeking" this person is and how this is all they post but when I tell him that he is feeding into it and he chooses to keep them on there then he backtracks and tells me its annoying but not that big of a deal. I have told him on several occasions that I dont care to see nor hear about it as long as he is being appropriate but he continues to do this.

Am I over reacting and getting in a shitty mood for nothing? If I'm not then how do I get him to understand that it upsets me and i dont want to hear about it anymore??