I hear this and I feel like, "Okay. This is a pretty negative quality to have. Let me do some self reflection and really work on making things about other people."

I go about my day, sometimes never talking just to evaluate and kind of be a fly on the wall to hear how others interact.

Person A is talking about their troubles, Person B is interrupting every now and then to talk about their own troubles, and Person C isn't even listening because they don't care (perhaps caught in their own troubles)

I leave and come home. Mom is caught in her life, Dad is caught in his life, Sister is caught in hers...

I go online and see no one really seems to be interested in anyone but themselves either...

So then I'm left to ask myself, "Why did this person make me out to be a monster, when ... Everyone makes everything about themselves. Isn't this just... Human nature?"

I still am trying to figure this out because I know coming across as a narcissist is never a good thing.

What are your thoughts on this?