Moving Out At 18


Ever since I was 12-13 I've always wanted to move out and live on my own, I'm 17 now and I'm getting ready to move in June, I've been saving up a lot of money to move to an apartment when I start college, (and for the judgmental people, no, I'm not moving out because of a man or because someone told me to) I've always wanted to, I'm going to live by myself, I'm starting college next year so I'm planning on living close to it, my mom will be moving further away from the school in June as well with my two little brothers but I won't be moving with them, I'll be on my own 50% because I'll still be visiting my family literally everyday, and they'll be at my place all the time, before judgmental start commenting saying "18 is too young" "you shouldn't leave your family" "my boyfriend is the problem" ect ect, no, moving out because I WANT to, and like I said I'll be around my family everyday so I don't see the problem of why people older than me feel the need to call me "fast" or "being too independent", I'm moving out because I want to and I'm excited about it, I'm going to start the next chapter in my life positively and the way I want, if I want to have a child when I'm 20 and study to be a surgeon then I can, nothing is impossible, if you let people tell you that you can't and you choose to believe it then you shouldn't, I believe everyone is different, not everyone is going to like what you do, who you are, and some will even try to shame you for your choices, but it's YOUR life so live it to the fullest without any regrets.