Early pregnancy bleeding?


I’ve been taking Pink Stork Prenatal vitamins every morning 2 capsules daily for the last 2 months, I’ve been ttc for about 3 almost 4 months now. My periods are like clock work I always get my period at a medium/heavy flow and it varies wether it gets heavier or not lasting 5 days each cycle. This month I was a week late on my period, experienced nipple soreness and swelling, lots of morning sickness and evening sickness and cramping in my right ovary which is unusual for my usual signs that my period is coming.. but on exactly day 7 of being late I had pink light bleeding, the next morning after having sex I am having an off an on flow of blood but it’s an unusual bright red color my cramps are also unusually painful... thank God for heating pads.. also, my periods are dark usually.. Thoughts? Ttc is such an emotional roller coaster...😞 feedback please!!