How can you tell if you've dropped??

Jennifer • Had baby girl
I'm 37 weeks today and I know baby girl has been head down most of my pregnancy. But lately I have to run to the bathroom every 5 minutes. But even after I go to the bathroom I still feel like I have to go. I have constant pressure down there. It's hard to walk out feels like I have a huge bruise down there and it hurts constantly. I'm so ready for her to be here right now. But my doctor is on vacation all this week. My daughter is having surgery on Wednesday. My dad is having surgery the following Tuesday and I'll need to take care of him. I've thought about taking something to help move things along. But as of last week I wasn't dilating yet. I go back on Tuesday maybe things will be different. I'm so ready to meet her, hold her, love her, hug her and kiss her. Hopefully she makes her debut soon.