Are these maybe early signs of labor?


Did you have any signs/symptoms you were going into labor? I’m JW if some of the stuff I have going on are things to keep watching for, or it’s just normal pregnancy stuff.

I’m 37 weeks. Yesterday I threw up most of the day, and I haven’t done that for a couple months. I’m guessing it was from the vomiting but I was so tired. I also kept having intense hot flashes, and was having some weird back pain. It didn’t feel like lower back cramps, but instead was a sharper pain up by my shoulder blades that would travel down most of my back. It was either a sharp pain, or my whole back was just a constant, dull pain. A few times it would travel to my sides, and if I stood up my stomach hurt as well.

Today I’m so glad I don’t have to work bc I am exhausted and having some diarrhea. I went to bed last night at 9pm, woke up at 7am, then had to lay back down around 8am again and slept until 10:30. Also, I woke up a few times last night again bc I was having that back pain.

Just wondering if this maybe sounds like early labor signs or maybe being pregnant has finally just caught up to me.