Dear Senior Class

Now it’s been about two years since I graduated. But I never got to chance to tell people how I felt.

We live in a small town where there’s one high school and only about 100 people in school. I was 7 or 8 weeks pregnant around graduation. So I wasn’t planning on staying very long at our “All Night Party”. (It’s something senior parents pay/raise money for so the kids can win prizes and hang out until 6 am)

To Caleb and Michal who complained to their mommies about a pregnant girl, bringing her younger cousin instead of her 21 old bf to a hs school event, fuck you. To Caleb’s mother who came up to me and said “You can bring your bf now”, in an act to prevent a little girl from attending a safe, parent attended party, stop acting like a fucking child and teach your son not to be a little bitch.

To my girl friends who ditched me when they found out I was pregnant. When we all know that you had a pregnancy scare, abortions, miscarriage, etc. Thanks! I found someone real to pick me up and care for me no matter what! We drink whine and watch movies, while you are combing 25k+ of student debts and drug/alcohol addictions.

To two teachers who might have known, because our town talks, and didn’t say shit. I appreciate you SO much! One helped me work on paperwork or websites to help preparing for a baby. One let my boyfriend and I house-sit for them right after high school so we could move out together, and then congratulated us on being pregnant, instead of talking down to us.

And finally, to my whole senior class who wrote a petition (and sent it to the school board) to not have me attend the graduation “All Night Party”... I didn’t want to go in the first place. I knew I wouldn’t last all night. I didn’t need any pathetic prizes when I had just got my diploma. All of that doesn’t even compare to the gift I got 9 months later. So fuck you!!

I’m happier than I could ever be! While you guys are drunk texting your ex, getting STDS, and dropping out of college. I’m raising a child, planning a wedding, about to pay off student loans, and possibly be a home owner before the age of 23! Happy 2020!✌🏽