Trisomy 18 Update 10/23

Madison • Evelyn Grace born April 5, 2016
We had our amnio on Friday. We also had out early anatomy scan. I am trying not to get my hopes up but they didn't find anything alarming at all!!!! 
She has regurgitation of the tricuspid value I believe. But they are not too alarmed. She is 16 weeks now so they say they will only be concerned at 24 weeks. 
Aside from that, no hand or feet clenching, nasal bone normal and present. Brain is great. Lungs great. Kidneys present and great. Long bone development normal. All the stuff we would be looking for looks great. 
Doctor says this really greatens our odds of he trisomy 18 cells being in the placenta. 
Results tomorrow. Trying very hard to stay positive yet realistic.