Formula brand for 3 month old who has hard stools


For the first few weeks after I had my son he was breastfed or got breast milk from a bottle.. after about a month we just decided to do formula.

When he was just getting breast milk he was having multiple normal bowel movements a day but after we switched to formula he goes days without having a bowel movement, and when he does it has been hard, he screams and cries when he tries to poop and it breaks my heart.. he isn’t fussy at all, only when he’s trying to poop..

When we first used formula we got Similac pro-advance and used that for about 2 months and then he was spitting up a lot and having trouble pooping, he would go 7 days without pooping. so then I got him soy formula to see if that would help.. and with this one he was having more bowel movements but still his poop is super hard and he’s still spitting up..

I just don’t know if anyone else has gone through this, idk what formula to put him on after already trying 2 different kinds.. I just want him to not be uncomfortable trying to poop and not have hard stools 😩

I plan on calling the pediatrician in the morning..