One month old acting strange?

Madison • Boy mom💙

So my son woke up from a nap hungry as he normally does. My S/O fed him and he was okay for a bit but when he was laid down he’d be fine for a bit but then super upset. He’s be held and then act hungry so we made two more ounces and he would only eat one(he’s been eating four normally every 3-4 hours) then he was fussy for seemingly no reason. I was napping for part of this and my S/O brought him up to me cause he didn’t know what to do exactly. He laid on my bed for a bit and was okay just to fuss again, he was fed, changed, held and still fussy. His bink was no help. Swaddling him nice and tight was no help. He was in a short sleeve body suit so he wasn’t too hot. I’m I’m just not sure what to do here.