Need some words of encouragement


So, I should be 10w4d today. For the last few days I've had cramping and yesterday and a few days ago I've had brown blood. Always just one thick smear on the toilet paper and after that was fine. But since yesterday my normal discharge isn't white or transparent but light light light brownish.. And my cramps are kind of sharp down there in the middle. I'm scared to death, don't want to loose this one again.. This would be my third miscarriage. I so wished third time was our rainbow. I take progesterone and we even saw the heartbeat at 8w2d. I've never gotten this far before.

I called my gyn and I do have an appointment in an hour. But I'm freaking out. Couldn't sleep, can't rest, can't calm down. Anyone out there experiencing this with a positive outcome?

(sorry for the language, I'm not a native speaker)