My rainbow is here


Due January 3rd, went to the hospital on December 29th because I thought I might be leaking water turns out I wasnt but I was in early labor 😮 I was 3cm and 4cm an hour later, my blood pressure was on the higher side so doctor said I was staying and we were having this baby soon. I was put on pitocin to speed things up and got the epidural, I slept through all my contractions. I was woken up and checked to find out I was 9 1/2 centimeters and about ready to push. I pushed for 2 1/2 hours, the doctor was about ready for a cesarean due to him being stuck in my pelvic bone. He barely fit and came out with the cord around his neck twice and wasnt breathing. They performed CPR and he was on oxygen for about 12 hours after birth. He also had trapped air in his lung but thankfully it went away on it's own. He was very bruised from being pulled out and stuck for so long 😥 i went into labor wanting a natural labor, skin to skin and delayed cord clamping but none of that ended up happening.. but I'm so glad my little man is okay now ❤❤ good luck to all the other December/January mommas!