Cycle change after clomid? Late period and spotting


Hello all! I had my first round of clomid/progesterone in November which did not result in a pregnancy. Started my period in early December, pretty normal cycle. It did increase my LH levels during ovulation though (peak went up to 2.5 from 1.2 peak previously). I decided not do another round of clomid in December because I’m switching to an RE from OB (re is adding a trigger shot). I started lightly spotting at the end of December, not unusual for me. Now, I’m 2 days late and still very lightly spotting. Negative HPT and experiencing some cramping, but overall I don’t feel like my period is starting. I’m worried that the clomid/progesterone changed my cycle or delayed my start (which is heartbreaking when your TTC). Has anyone else experienced anything like this after taking clomid/progesterone?