When should I tell my other children?

So we have a 5 year old son and an 8 year old son. Both have been desperately asking for another sibling) We are currently 10 weeks(and 3 days) pregnant and not sure when we should feel them in. We are waiting to tell everyone until 15 weeks (since we will find out the gender at 14 weeks by 3D ultrasound) and announce the pregnancy on Thanksgiving while already knowing the gender(that way no one bugs us about if it's a boy or a girl because they all want a girl so bad after 2 boys and hubby and I would be super happy either way). We aren't sure if we should just go ahead now.. And tell our boys.... Wait I until week 12 when we are out of the first trimester or week 15 when we tell everyone else. What do you ladies think? When did you tell??

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