Baby fever with a newborn/birth story

I had my baby 11/1/19 after 30 hours of labor that ended in an emergency section due to fetal distress. I went in 10/30/19 to l&d because I was feeling off and my blood pressures were higher for me then normal the previous few weeks. Normally run 118/70 but was in the 140/90 ranges. They decided to admit me and induce me (was admitted the previous week but discharged bc of lack of urine protein). They blew out a vein and 4 tries later I got my IV in. They put in the Foley balloon at 11 pm or so and gosh I was glad when that was over. At 5:30 am on 10/31 the balloon fell out while I was using the bathroom. I was happy because they said it normally falls out around 5 cm. The nurse checked me and I was at 3 cm but a doctor checked me stating I was only at a 2. He had to stretch my cervix to a 3. Finally that was over and he apologized for having to do it. I was later checked by a nurse who works at my OB office and in my local hospitals L&D. She was so rough with me and she wasnt even my nurse.... she just stopped in and checked me and said I was only at 1.5 cm multiple hours later after the doctor stretched my cervix to a 3... she was upset that I said she was hurting me and that I stated I needed a moment before she retired. She grabbed me by my arm and pulled me up and then basically threw me back down to recheck telling me I needed to deal with it as she has been a nurse for "25 years and she knew what she was doing" (this is her favorite line even when I swelled up with 20-30 pounds of fluid). She rechecked and I was still only a 3. At 7 pm on Halloween I was still at a 3. 14+ hours I was at a 3 with intact water. At 7 my doctor came in (thank god) and he broke my water. I still had hope that I would have a Halloween baby (my grandmother passed on halloween so I was hoping for a Halloween baby). I felt no contractions the entire time and the nurse that was rough with me told me I wasnt relaxed enough and that's why I wasnt dialating. I got an epidural even though I was perfectly pain free because the rough nurse made me feel like it was my fault but I got it before my sweet nurse left for the night. I hope God blesses this poor nurse because I cried and was a blubbering mess. Finally it was in and the night went on to where i got a catheter inserted. It wasnt bad bc of the epidural and a little 4 am on 11/1/19 I needed a little bit of a topper on the epidural. Then things got bad after I was checked and was at an 8. I got this severe pain in my pelvis and it felt like my catheter was covered in hot sauce. I started to throw up during all this. This new A hole nurse kept telling me I was fine and to calm down because the catheter was fine. She kept coming in to yell at me to calm down. I finally convinced her to get my doctor to check me between 2 sections. He saw I made no progress and my baby was in distress like the nurse had known earlier. I was at the max dose for pitocin allowed without being toxic for multiple hours before this with them needing to shut it off due to fetal distress earlier in the night but was turned back on later. I was rushed into a section and they gave me this grape liquid to prevent vomiting. I said I would throw itu but A hole nurse said it was impossible (I get nauseous with grape things). I threw up not even 5 seconds into it going down all over the front of me. The burning catheter continued and then they took out my epidural and did a spinal in the OR. I was laid down and then things went downhill again. I started to not be able to breathe as they brought in my fiance. I then stopped being able to breathe at all and was CPAPed. I was overdosed on the spinal... 5 mins later I finally could move air on my own and regained some feeling in my lungs. The anastesia people were crazy nice and good at keeping me calm. I was so glad my daughter made it out safe. My rainbow baby was born at 5:33 am safe and sound. The first thing I said was that she was beautiful when I was able to talk and move air again. The anastesia guy helped me hold her and moved my arms to where I was able to hold her since i was to numb to feel or move. It turns out i would of never been able to deliver vaginally as her cord wrapped around her abdomen twice and once around her neck. The pain was her placenta ripping off my uterus and her head tearing my urethra from her moving down the birth canal. There wasnt enough room for her head and the Foley balloon. I thank god every day for us both surviving and for me advocating that there was a problem. The only issue now is I have baby fever and want another one. Always advocate for yourself ladies.