Suddenly hating water

Lauren • 💙 8/7/18 💙 3/2/21

My 16mo is suddenly freaked out by water/ bath time this last week. Before he LOVED water and bath time. He would blow bubbles in the water, “listen” to the fish and put his ears in the water, lay on his tummy to kick his feet in the tub and had NO issue with rinsing his hair.

Now he flips out even if two drops of water get on his head. He starts screaming and wants out of the tub. Tonight he wouldn’t even get in the tub. He wouldn’t sit in the water. And of course all of this had to start right before he started swim lessons. So now he screams through those too.

We have tried getting in the tub with him. And showing him how it’s safe. We tried bathing him in a different tub instead. We tried the shower instead and he hates that. No luck.

Anyone have any other ideas or similar situations??