Confusing cycle


So according to my cm I should've been most fertile 12/27 and 12/28. That's when it was raw egg white consistency and my cervix was much higher than it is now. I was also feeling much friskier than now. However, that was only about 1 week after my period ended. This app's prediction is that I ovulate today. My ovulation test was definitely negative yesterday and today. We had more sex around when my cm indicated I should. I'm worried my body wasn't ready enough for an egg to implant since I assume I ovulated so early. We're only 2 mo in to ttc our second. I'm just shocked we didn't conceive the first go around. We had 2 unplanned pregnancies while I was on the pill. (1 ended in miscarriage) I assumed I was fertile Myrtle, but now worry that I'm older and have lots of abdominal pain and cramping issues during my cycle anyway, that there could be something wrong. I just really want to get pregnant quickly bc we had the timing all planned out about when we want the birthday to be and how far apart we want their ages to be. I also don't want to have to spend money on unnecessary doctor visits to check my fertility if there's actually nothing wrong. So if someone could lend me their crystal ball so I can stop worrying and making conceiving even harder bc my stress, that'd be great! 🤪😂 But seriously if anyone has any tips that had been at this longer than we have, that would be great. Anyone else an early ovulater that has had difficulty conceiving? Can you just ovulate early occasionally and it not be the norm for you? It's early ovulation something that correlates with PCOS or endometriosis or anything?