Size discrepancy in third trimester?


So I will be 38weeks tomorrow with baby number two. I have been measuring about a week ahead in this last trimester, and today at my appointment they sent a referral for me to have an ultrasound done for date- size discrepancy as they believe he is measuring on the larger side. My first born was 7lbs 2 oz and 19” long. I was induced and had him vaginally but they had to suction to help him out as he was hitting my pelvic bone.This pregnancy has definitely been harder and I definitely feel bigger! I am so ready to be done and meet this little man. I am tired, winded, and just over it! Lol Any mamas have this during pregnancy? What did they end up doing if your baby was on the bigger side. Bottom pictures are 1 week apart the first being on the right the other from this morning.