What can i do to prepare?

Michelle 💕 • Oum Noor💗 Safiya 💗 Rayaan💙Inara💗Liyana 💗 Daniya 💗

I’m 26 weeks pregnant with my 4th baby. I have breastfed al my baby’s up until 6/8 weeks then i would get my period and i cant seem to get my production up .. they lose weight cry a lot or i get breast inflammation..

So now im going to try again. I bought s medela pump and i want to know what i can do to prepare the best i can. I realy want to feed at least the first year..

i have retracted nipples i feel like that is part of the problem .. latching on is verry hard for the baby’s i think..

My nipples bleed a lot and latching on hurts..

I called in help from the lactation consultant and doctor but dir also do not ignore why it does not work because I have tried everything they told me to do..