Anxiety relief..

So bit if a back story- I was diagnosed with post traumatic stress back in 2012, stemming from nearly a decade of childhood sexual abuse. I’ve seen a professional maybe 3-4 times and have tried a bunch of different antidepressants, but was uncomfortable with both so I deal with my anxiety/depression on my own... it’s worked well that way for the past 5 years or so.

Until now, of course. My husband has a new job that requires him to work nights which leaves me feeling very vulnerable and anxiety ridden. I’ve got a dog and a gun, which help a bit I suppose but I’m really struggling with getting decent sleep when he’s not around.

The thought of someone breaking in to hurt me or my kids plays in a loop every night and it keeps me up. I’m hoping that someone out there has helpful suggestions on what I can do/take/try to help relieve some of this anxiety. I do well during the day but at night, it can be awful. 😕