Upping milk supply?

Jordyn • 24 year old mommy to a 2 1/2 year old princess❤️ TTC baby #2🥰

My daughter is 4 weeks old and up until a week ago I was pretty much only feeding her breast milk. She never latched so pumping was what I did, with the occasional formula supplementing. I was getting anywhere from 3-5oz in total each time I pumped. I'm not going to lie, I got tired very fast and leaned more towards formula rather than breast milk for feedings which led to me not pumping. Eventually I went about 5 days without pumping at all and noticed a huge different in breast size. I want to up my supply again because the thought of my laziness being the reason my daughter doesn't get the best i can give her has really effected my mental health. In two days I went from nothing, to 1oz. Is it possible to get back to where I was as far as production? And what can I do to help make more?