Listen to your instincts. My rant/story.


It’s been 4 months since I’ve had my baby and I’m still super angry about this. In my last trimester my bp started to spike. I had several readings in the 140s/90s but no protein in my urine so my doctor wasn’t too concerned. At my 38 week appointment I had some protein in my urine, was super swollen, my bp was 152/100, and I had decreased fetal movement so my doctor sent me to L&D to get monitored. I didn’t have a super high protein count and my labs were fine so my doctor told me he won’t induce me because I was risking a c section. So they sent me home.

I was super concerned about it developing into pre eclampsia even though my doctor brushed it off. THANKFULLY I can check my bp at work. First thing the next morning I checked it and it was 184/123! I left work and went back to the hospital where the on call doctor (not my Ob) made the call to induce. I ending up having to have a c section at 38w6d but my baby is fine! If I wasn’t able to check my bp that morning who knows what could’ve happened! Y’all a c section can have more risks than a vaginal birth but sometimes it’s the safest option for mom and baby. I knew I should’ve never left the hospital that night. If something doesn’t feel right go with your gut and speak up!