Black Out? Pass out? No idea.


So my LO is 5months and growing pretty well. I have a cot next to my bed and sometimes I put him on the bed if he fussed a lot he sleeps better and so do I. Big big problem is sometimes I wake him and he’s next to me and I actually have no idea at all when I carried him and put him there 😱😱😱😭😭😭. He’s not crying or anything but I don’t remember carrying him at all. Like I remember sleeping and he was on the cot and wake up and he’s next to me?! Has this happened to anyone? Maybe it’s over exhaustion. I don’t know. Considering seeing a doctor. But thing is don’t even know how to explain cause it feels like a black out.

Happens once in a while. Once I woke up carrying him and thought little time has passed and when I checked the time it had been 3 hours since I remembered being awake. Once I woke up ‘dropping’ him on the side of the bed next to me. Maybe it’s just happening tooo often and need to get myself checked.