Miscarriage Question

Hey all. So this happened a few years ago..but I was with this guy who was kind of a jerk and the whole relationship was extremely stressful. We were pretty sexually active and used sometimes used withdraw method, other times condoms, and other times nothing..stupid I know and there were a few pregnancy scares. But anyways I started to feel super emotional and I think the stress kind of took over to the point where I didn't see any symptoms but one day I had just gotten to work and noticed I was bleeding heavy and dark. I had never experienced anything like this ever within 20 minutes I was covered in it. I had gone to target (I worked right next to there) and gotten new clothes and everything and changed at work when I realized this huge chunk of skin..I don't know how to describe it but it was almost more than just skin came out of me..it seemed like a pretty significant size and seemed way more than just lining..I am wondering if I had a miscarriage. It wouldn't surprise me because the guy I was with at the time did not want a baby and I was too young and he was emotionally abusive so it seems plausible that the stress I had could have caused that..it was so much more blood than I had ever seen and it was very dark, almost black and the skin like thing...it was prob about the size of my fist. What do you think and could this affect me getting pregnant in the future?