TTC baby number 3

Hey everyone ,

Back in September I found out I was pregnant with baby number 3 my (other two kids are 8-6) my husband and I were excited seeing as it happened so fast! We tried that 1st month and boom it happened . Once I went to the doctors they told me there was no heart beat and the Baby has stopped growing at 6 weeks . I ended up needing a D&C bc my body didn’t pass everything when I went for an ultrasound they told me there was still some unwanted tissue so that’s when they decided they needed to go ahead and do the D&C . They did the D&C on Halloween and everything went well and the doctor okay ya to try again .. I have now had two cycles .. I figured it would take some time I definitely didn’t expect to get pregnant the 1st month or anything . But now I’m just terrified about everything....