Looking for my cycle buddies 🥰🤗


Yesterday, Jan 4 I got my positive Opk making today my ovulation day (Jan 5th) and tomorrow 1DPO (Jan 6).

Last month I collected some cycle buddies and it made the TWW much easier and more enjoyable when sharing it with cycle buddies ! I am 20 years old, TTC for baby #1 and this is 2nd cycle trying !

Didn’t use OPKs previous cycle. This cycle I used OPKs as well as started prenatal vitamins at the beginning of my cycle. Hoping this is our month cycle buddies! I’m feeling extra hopeful and positive this month❤️

If you are on the same cycle as me or close to it please comment ! Would love to support each other through the long and dreaded TWW ❤️

Baby dust to all you ladies 💝🤞🏼

Also sorry for the overuse of the word “cycle” in this post 🙈🙃