
Hi all so I posted the other day but people were telling me I was wrong to miss the pill etc, don’t think I explained it well lol, so we are currently ttc and I’ve been on the cerelle pill for 2 years, so no break, no 7 day gap, just continuous pills, I have missed a couple of pills here and there within the last year, everytime I miss a pill I have a “withdrawal bleed” straight away, so me and oh decided to stop taking it all together and start ttc again, I stopped taking it 2 weeks ago and still haven’t had a withdrawal bleed, I always get one, even just by missing 1 pill, tested on Thursday and it was negative, anyone got any advice on when to test again or why I haven’t had a withdrawal bleed yet? 😭 did a Sainsbury’s own test and got a faint plus sign after the time limit but I hate blue dye tests and know it’s not a real bfp!