Got my first "when's the baby coming" comment today....

Candice • 1 son born May 2020 #pandemicbaby Missed miscarriage and D&C 1-2023

I was at a hardware store and the male checkout guy asked when the baby was coming. I'm 20 weeks and don't think I really look pregnant at all...just bloated or like a had a big meal. I had on leggings and a normal top I wear all the time. It kinda took me by surprise and I just said "uhhhhhh May". And he said "Oh you have a long way to go."

When we we left my husband said "wow that was pretty ballsy of him to assume." He could tell I was a little mad/shocked. He was like...well you ARE pregnant so you can't really get mad when people ask. And I said but do I LOOK pregnant enough for people to ask?!?! I am still wearing my normal clothes and I was standing forward, not a side view

He said I look the same as I always look because he is a good man.

I guess I need to prepare myself for all the comments and come up with some prepared answers. Ugh.