Im MC Now Aint I

Kershal • Lost Angel Baby 9.10.14 BFP 10.10.15 But MC Again ="(

So the 3 HCG bloods i had done were

4w2d 76

4w4d 128

5w3d 146

Doc said with those levels im very likey to MC amd pregnancy isnt viable so to have an ultrasound, well i couldnt get 1 until tomorrow when im suppose to be 6w3d, but today from 10am i started with brown tinged creamy CM but now 6pm its turning reddybrown and more like watery blood if u get me only having slight pains nothing major yesterday and today iv been so sick the runs, feeling sick and even vomiting, do i just cancell ultrasound and let nature take its course or what? My MC last year was a MMC which had a D&C so didnt go thru none of this.... please help and not ignore =(