I need some advice and nice words....

In advance this is a long post. I have so much on my mind and it may just be word vomit but it needs to come out.

So back story first

My fiance and I have been together for 5 years. We live together and recently made a big move 300 miles away from my family but closer to his. Last year we gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. Hes now 17 months old!

Well after our son my fiance said he was our last and I agreed. Then about 9 months after our son I started wanting another. My fiance is firm on one.

Well since our son was unplanned we have been super cautious and use condoms religiously. I have yet to get on birth control because of problems with insurance.

A couple days ago about 8dpo I started spotting. I didnt think much of it until I got dizzy and taste metal and Im bloating and cramping and nauseous. My back hurts and I have a very pale yellow mucusy discharge and Im very fatigued. All of the symptoms I felt with my first.

I am 2 days away from my period and everything is off. Should I test tomorrow with an early reader? How should I tell my fiance because I know he will not be happy about it? I just need some kind words. I know none of you can say for sure I am pregnant but I had to get it off my chest!.......