Feeling so confused

Sara • IVF pregnancy Mama to baby girl 11/2/19

Every time I think I figure out my baby, something changes and I feel lost again. I can never tell if it's my anxiety (already on zoloft) or if I'm right to truly be concerned about something.

LO is 9 weeks old and EBF. We saw a LC extensively in the first few weeks due to poor latch and jaundice/dehydration. Now baby is latching (fairly) well.

We recently moved her into her own room to help us all sleep better. She's very gassy and makes a lot of grunts and little noises, picks her legs up, etc. I'm trying simethicone and gripe water for the gas, but can't really tell how it's working. She doesn't really wake up and cry during the night (we have a video monitor so I can see if her eyes are open), so I didn't think I should wake her... But now I'm thinking that's too long to go without eating?

Then tonight I tried going in when she stirs (not wakes) to try a feed her. But she didn't really wake up and didn't nurse a while lot. Should I be waking her? She's gaining weight, although only in the 14th percentile.

I've also noticed that she's not peeing much at all overnight. Does this mean she's dehydrated? She nurses a lot during the day and has normal pee. I just changed her diaper (it was dry) and then she peed - it had been 10 hours. But I nursed her right before bed at 7/7:30 and again at 1am... So why no pee until 5am?

I'm just so confused on what I'm supposed to do.