Thoughts? I hate the TWW


I hate the tww and i know I'm not alone but I also hate that no matter how hard I try to avoid it...I find myself symptom spotting.

A few days ago I was bone tired for 2 bad my husband asked why i was so tired but it's a busy time at work so I just figured I was just a little extra tired. I am still checking my cervical position and it was lowish and firm.

Yesterday, I had a killer migraine that took HOURS to pass and some mild cramping.

Today...I woke up with a temperature spike and horrendous pain in my tailbone that makes it difficult to sit, stand, or walk...and I can't feel my cervix anymore.

Most of all i hate that even though I'm only 10dpo and I dont normally test until 12 dpo... I'm going to go to Walmart for a couple cheapies after work 🤦‍♀️