Three years. (Trigger warning.)

Jensa • Mom to Raven & Gabriel❤️

Three years ago today I was experiencing a miscarriage. Although that pregnancy wasn’t planned, but not prevented either, I was excited. I was starting to think after three years of nothing happening, I wasn’t able to get pregnant. My excitement was short lived as I only knew I was pregnant for a week before miscarrying. It was by the hardest thing I’ve been through.

Six months later though I was pregnant with my daughter. I was so paranoid I’d miscarry again. I didn’t allow myself to think of life after her due date. I was afraid I’d jinx it and lose her. Even the night of my induction, we heard a baby crying down the hall and my best friend said, “that’ll be you soon.” I just smiled and thought to myself, I hope so.

But she is here now, almost two and happy and healthy. It hasn’t been easy but she’s worth it. Before her, I was just a daughter, sister and aunt but now I am Raven’s Mom and I wouldn’t trade it for the world❤️