Clomid experince/advice?

Lindsey • Mommy to two sweet girls on earth and two babies in Heaven 🌈👧🏼🌈👶🏼 Baby Boy coming Dec ‘22 💙

I’m a 35 y/o healthy, active woman. I have been pregnant 3 times.....once right after we were married, miscarried. Then immediately after my body healed, I was pregnant again with my daughter, who’s 4 years old. I became pregnant again in December after having my mirena removed in late August (it was about three months as my doctor predicted) and we miscarried in February. Based on my history, I just figured I would be pregnant again once my body healed up again. No luck so far. My OBGYN suggested we discuss Clomid at my appointment in 2 weeks. Long story long, my question is, does anyone have experience with Clomid? What were your thoughts? Side effects? Was it successful for you? Thanks so much in advance, ladies!