Does this mean he just wants me for sex?

I’ve been talking to this guy for maybe about a week and he has already said that he wants both of us to be putting in our all to try and make a relationship work between the both of us. He also told me that anything he starts talking to someone he makes sure that he’s serious about them and he’s been consistent with how he talks to me since we first started talking. Every morning he sends me a text saying good morning and asks me how I slept. The other night we were talking about sex and the next day when he asked me how I slept and I asked him in return he said that it wasn’t that it was kinda hard and that he needed me there. I tend to overthink and over analyze most of what guys say due to being hurt in the past so I asked a guy for his opinion and he said it sounded like the guy was basically trying to speed things up so that he could have sex with me. What do y’all think and would it be bad if I did go ahead and sleep with him?