Any advice would help.


I feel like my son is going backwards 😫 potty training and learning.

I’m getting really worried that he still hasn’t learned any colors he had learned blue and green a few months ago and now nothing. He will separate colors with like colors but when I ask him what color it is he just names something random ex blue ball and he says it’s green and I ask him again and he guesses something different. I play lots of games with him and repeat colors of things often idk what to do 😬

Potty training: before he turned 2 he was telling me when he had to go, using his potty for peeing and wearing underwear during day. And now he’s back to peeing/pooping in diaper and if I ask him if he needs to pee he says no and just goes in his diaper.

Is something wrong with my son 😫why is he going backwards?