You don’t know my pain!

I just need to rant for a second.

A friend of mine lost her baby. She would’ve been five weeks. She didn’t know she was pregnant. She only found out because she happened to have an appointment to get her IUD removed. Well now she keeps telling me she “knows” what I’ve been through and “feels my pain”. It pissed me off to no end. Cramping and bleeding is not the same! I labored, I delivered my baby. She laid on my chest. Lungs too tiny to inflate. Fingers and toes wiggling. She moved her head to the sound of her father’s voice. I had to uncover her every ten minutes for them to check for a heart beat. 42 minutes I held my child as she died. You do not know my pain. Our losses aren’t comparable. You didn’t even want a baby! You said a month ago if you ever got pregnant you would want an abortion! You don’t know what I went through!