Baby carrier recommendations for a disney trip with a 10 month old?

Looking for something durable but not too bulky because of the heat. Not looking for a wrap - I'm sweating thinking about it haha


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I have this and love it! I think the pockets will be great for your trip!


Leela • Jan 10, 2020
I had an Infantino carrier and it killed my back after my daughter was over 15 lbs.


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I have a Lillebaby and LOVE it because it is so comfortable, especially with the lumbar support. I also like that you can zip down the front for some ventilation during summer (even though it will definitely still be hot is FL).


Leela • Jan 10, 2020
You’re welcome! I found the instructions a little confusing for the correct way to adjust the spot where the waistband meets where the baby sits. I found watching a YouTube video was much more beneficial.


G • Jan 10, 2020
Thanks for recommending this! Just bought it. And on sale, couldn't pass it up :-)


Sarah • Jan 10, 2020
I second this, but I’d recommend the airflow version which is all mesh!


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Lillebaby serenity airflow! The airflow mesh is perfect for hot Florida weather and serenity has the best features


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This is a wrap but it’s made with the active wear material like work out clothes kind of mesh.


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I have a hiking backpack carrier and it's sooooo convenient


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We just went with my 1 year old and brought a tushbaby. The whole family loved it. Easy to put on and take off for rides/lines and not too hot or restricting. Baby can ride facing towards or away from you in front or towards you on your hip. Highly recommend.