Missed Miscarriage- any advice?


My husband and I learned that our sweet baby has no heartbeat and stopped growing at 6 weeks. I was supposed to be 10 weeks and a few days today. We found out at our first appointment with our midwives today- expecting good news and to hear the heartbeat. Instead, we were transferred to radiology and completely devastated. I need advice from others who have experienced this- we have the option to wait for baby to pass, take a medicine to help pass, or schedule a D&C. Either way, it’s looking like 1-2 weeks before a confirmation (of miscarriage) ultrasound can happen (no idea why.) Part of me wants to get this over with with a D&C. But I also see the benefit of being home when it happens. I have a 2 year old I’m home with, though, and also work part time. What did you and your family decide to do? We’re so heartbroken, so it’s naturally difficult to plan this. Thank you.