Long story

So I’ve had the copper IUD since May 2019. It was great. I has having regular periods every month. In October i started having lower back pain and lower abdominal pain on my left side and blood in my urine. I dismissed it and thought it was a kidney stone (I’ve had 2). My husband noticed i was in pain (it was like a 6 or 7) so made me go to urgent care. I did a urine test. A few days later they said i had a UTI, but since I wasn’t pregnant and the culture count wasn’t “high” enough they didn’t give me a prescription. Okay fine. I drank cranberry juice and water trying to flush my system out. A few weeks later I’m still having pain and blood in my urine (I’m also about 50 days into my cycle. I get ahold of my obgyn because I’m starting to think it’s an ectopic pregnancy. I go in she checks my strings all is good. I give a urine test and low and behold I’ve it bacteria in my urine. She puts me on an antibiotic. I take it as directed. I’ve got like 2or3 days left (it was for 7 days) and my symptoms were not disappearing (in fact i could now smell my urine). I go in for another urine test i still have bacteria. She gives me another antibiotic. It seemed to work by this time it’s like the first week of dec. i have my period (after 63 days!!!) all is good for like 2 weeks. On dec 19 i go back to my obgyn bc i started having pain in the same spot and dark urine. I take a urine test and it’s clear so they thought i may have been ovulating and dehydrated. I drink a ton of water and everything seems good. I’m now 10days late again and I’ve got blood in my irons AGAIN and I’m having pain in the same spot. Could all of this be from the IUD? My Kidneys? I checked my IUD strings, and i can feel both of them.