
hi everyone, I've been in this group since my husband had his reversal in August of 2018. it was over 12 years old so we really didn't think it would work. we pulled out all the ttc tips and tricks and had our son in August of 2019.

I wasn't really tracking my cycle and thought that because we weren't doing all the vitamins and fancy things, we wouldn't end up pregnant so quickly.

hi, I'm pregnant again 😳

can someone pinch me? I'm absolutely shocked. my son is only five months. my daughter is 8. my husband has two older teens from a previous marriage. help. me. am I gonna be okay? I just had a c section too. I'm so scared, we haven't told a soul yet because I can't handle the judgement and criticism from others. I know this is so soon but I'm still shocked and can't come to terms with it.