
My dad wants me to go to a university

Little does he know

I’ve gotten rejected by colleges I’ve applied to

I have a low gpa

I doubt I’ll get accepted anywhere

I’m upset

I’m a failure

I’m a disappointment

My dad shoots down the idea of me going to a community college

I don’t think I’m going to graduate

I hate myself

Why couldn’t I be smart?

Why did I mess up in school?

Why didn’t I start caring about school sooner?

I’m so sad right now.... I’m not making my dad proud

Edit- I’m doing good in life right now, I have A’s & B’s (also had A’s & B’s last year *when I started to care about school). I’m already taking college classes while still in high school at my local community colleges. I have two jobs while going to school. Passed the college classes I took last semester and this semester’s classes start tomorrow.