IUD Removal


Hey ladies!

Just wanted to write a quick post about IUD removal because I was looking for some reassurance about it and had trouble finding anything from women that had actually experienced it. I had mine removed today and I am here to tell you, don’t be scared!!!! Since I had no one to ask that had personally gone through it, I was terrified! I had read horror stories online about IUDs getting stuck in the uterine wall and having to be removed surgically or the strings getting curled up in the uterus and the doctor having to spend 15 minutes trying to coax it out. Just remember that those are very rare and extreme cases. I had mine in for just over 7 years and had myself convinced that I would be that one in however many women that would have to have it surgically removed, but that was not the case! It was a million times easier than I ever thought it would be. I had a lovely midwife that told me right away that she could see the strings, which instantly calmed me down. She had me cough and gave it a quick pull and it was over. It was honestly so quick and the most minor little discomfort. I wouldn’t even call it pain. I have had some cramping in the last two hours since I got it done, but it’s not even as bad as normal period cramps. So to anyone out there that is worried about getting it taken out, I hope this helps! Now excuse me while I switch over to the TTC discussion groups 🤞🏻