I need help from you. *trigger*

My sister and her -then fiancé- now husband (as of September) got pregnant in March. They weren’t trying and she took getting initially pregnant hard. She was told she couldn’t have children by a doctor. Without seeing a second opinion or any specialists she believed him. Well they got pregnant. My sister lost her baby at 16 weeks. Found out at 16 weeks. This was back in June. I was there for her every step of the away, along with her husband. Her baby was suppose to be due in December. She’s having a horrible time with it still, and I don’t blame her one bit. About a month ago she told me she’s genuinely not happy for any one that is pregnant right now or getting pregnant, including friends. They aren’t actively trying right now either, quite yet. One of her best friends is 4 months along right now, after a miscarriage. It breaks my heart seeing her heart broken in half. My mom thinks she should be “over it” by now, even though my mom herself has suffered from a miscarriage herself. I think she comes from a different generation and doesn’t realize how in touch with her emotions that my sister is.

I found out yesterday I’m pregnant again. My little girl is almost 11 months old. Last time I found out I was pregnant, she was the first person I told. I got so excited yesterday and then my heart immediately fell through my stomach at the thought of having to tell her. I don’t want her to put on a brave face and smile and tell me she’s happy. I don’t know how to tell her.

Does anyone have any advice on how to ease this for her?

I’m at a complete loss. I want her to hear it from me before my mom accidentally blurts it out to her.