Who has had gastric sleeve surgery or knows someone?

Cassie • 26- Married - 2 sons 🥰 - Baby #3 on its way!

So I'm 23, 51 and about 290lbs I have been on and off diets since i was in like 3rd grade when kids said i looked pregnant. Like who says that in third grade but i just seem to keep gaining I'll loose some here or there but it always comes back. I have pcos too which doesnt help. I am so done with not being comfortable and not feeling like my full self. Weve been trying to get pregnant for 2.5 years and no luck. My husband and I have discussed and both of us agree that the surgery is the next best option. Other than money if my insurance doesnt cover it we see no cons. I just want to know how everyone went about it? Are you glad you did it? How much did you loose and how long did it take? Did you get skin removal surgery and do you have any tips of like creams or exercises to minimize excess skin? Did your insurance cover it? How long did the whole process take after you told your doctor you want to do it? Thanks for anyone who can help me get a better understanding!