Freaking the F*** OUT!!!!!!!


So I’ve posted here a few times. Hubby and I decided that we wanted to TTC for our last baby. I’m 8DPO now. Everything has been looking up for us this year so far. We have been blessed with a great car, found out that we won’t be having to move (our rent is really cheap where we are and the owner was contemplating selling) our oldest 2 kids are going to both be in school full time this year and we are just ready.

Well, my husband and I woke up a tad late this morning and he was going to be about 30 min. Late to work ( works landscape and it hasn’t ever been an issue the few times it has happen in the last year. Like 2-3 times MAYBE) called his boss and said we were getting ready to leave ( one one car right now so I have to drive him to and from ) his boss then proceeds to tell him he’s fired for being late and calling in all the time. HE HASNT EVER DONE THAT!!!! The one worker that works with him is late EVERYDAY, using company time and truck to run personal attends, smokes weed in the company trucks on lunch/break. Yet my husband is the one getting fired after working for this guy for 3 years off and on. His boss even said this morning that he depends on him the most yet your firing him because we were running half hour behind.

Now I test of praying for a positive test I’m begging the lord I get my period. 😭😭😭😭😭😭 why do I feel like this always happens to us. We do really well, have all our ducks in a row so to speak, and then something always comes along to fuck it up. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭