Sucking dick

Today I sucked my boyfriend dick for the first time and I’m extremely happy, I love him so much. He was so patient with me and wasn’t getting irritated with me or rushing me. I had him stand up and I was sitting down(hope that makes sense) and I told him I want his hand on my head to guide me and he did. His dick was hitting the back of my throat and everything, idk he must’ve really liked it because there was a few times when he kept his hand on my head for me to stay where I was at. Since we was on a time schedule I wasn’t able to finish him off, which I feel bad about( I did stop a few times) but he said it’s okay, there’s always another time. He said I did really good for my first time, also I’m a virgin and I wouldn’t have been a virgin anymore if wasn’t on my period today🥺.

My teeth scraped his dick a little bit but he didn’t complain, is there a way I could prevent my teeth from touching his dick? He wants to return the favor(obviously not now on my period) but I’m really nervous, how do I prepare for getting eaten out?